Explore, Discover, and Share #EDS

Explore, Discover, and Share #EDS

I, firmly believe, that we humans are meant to explore, discover and share our discoveries. To break this done some we have to look at our birth. Once we are born by nature we seek out to reconnect with our mothers. Soon as we connect with her (discover) we cuddle (sharing our discovery). Not too long after that we scream out for food! Satisfied, we cuddle and slept. Before long we are running back to our parents saying see what I found, so proud of our new discovery and eager to share. Think back I am sure you remember how wonderful and proud you felt when you did that.

We humans are inquisitive to a fault. We are continually on a quest for the answers to; why, how come, where, when, how did that get here, we did I come from. We go out putting everything in our mouths, finding out what it tastes like touching it everywhere with our hands and feet. We then smell it, we want to know everything. Our world is growing.

I think far too often we are held back from this natural instinct to explore. The first reason we are held back is to protect us from ourselves, understandably so. We are pulled back told don’t touch, etc. Personally, I think in most cases it would be better to say “That is hot, if you touch that it will burn you” rather than pulling the arm away and saying “don’t!” I know for myself I would prefer learning to trust what someone says than being forced to listen and not learning anything for myself. (Trust is important between a parent and a child. It is with trust you can guide.) It is through discovery we find who we are and what we can do and thus should be encouraged. By limiting discovery we shunt the growth of the child; we are limiting their confidence, creative self, knowledge and more, I believe. How many more discoveries could have been made, if we didn’t limit this natural behavior?

Sharing our discovery… How often as a child were you discouraged from sharing your discoveries? Yet, this is where story tellers are discovered, imaginations set on fire, and knowledge gained. When I share a thought, an idea it is to see what the other person is thinking and what their opinion is. Sharing is so critical it is through sharing that we grow as a people. It’s in that collaborative moment of sharing our discovery and thoughts, ideas are born. Sharing of discoveries should be always encouraged.

I believe we are on the threshold of many new discoveries, ones that we as a global society aren’t ready for. These will include discoveries in DNA, our history, travel and a few other areas. But again are we ready? There is another natural instinct that we have it is called “caring!” With that I would like to leave you with something to think about that I did discover.

Have you ever noticed?

How you feel after you’ve helped someone else or an animal?
How you feel after being angry at someone else or an animal?
Did you ever wonder; WHY? Think about it today, please.
You will be amazed at what you will discover.

We are the caretakers of this garden!

We are the caretakers of this gardenWritten by Robert L Ruisi

Explore, Discover, Share, Caretakers of the Garden #EDS


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